|=================================================================| | INVENTORY TWEAKS Mod - https://inventory-tweaks.readthedocs.org | | Sorting rules and general configuration | |=================================================================| ====== [ SETTINGS ] ====== ======== [ GETTING STARTED ] ======== # SORTING RULES # Each line you type is a new constraint you add for sorting your inventory. # After any change, just press the sorting key to reload the settings. Some examples: # * "D1 sword" puts any sword in row D, column 1 (see grid below) # * "A edibleFood" fills the A row with food # * "1 ironPickaxe" fills the 1 column with an iron pickaxe # * "A1-C4 blocks" fills the rectangle with any blocks # * "D LOCKED" avoids items from the hotbar to move out of it when sorting # INVENTORY GRID # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # A [A1][A2][A3][A4][A5][A6][A7][A8][A9] # B [B1][B2][B3][B4][B5][B6][B7][B8][B9] # C [C1][C2][C3][C4][C5][C6][C7][C8][C9] # # D [D1][D2][D3][D4][D5][D6][D7][D8][D9] # AVAILABLE KEYWORDS # Open the 'InvTweaksTree.txt' file for a list of available keywords. If an item # is missing from the item tree (for example mod items), you can either add it # or create a rule by ID. Examples: "D5 203", "D9 12345-13" D1 sword D2 bow D3 axe D4 pickaxe D5 shovel D8 lighting D9 clock A1 wood B1 woodenplanks C1 sticks A2 coal B2 iron C2 arrows A3 bed B3 craftingtable C3 furnace A4 carpet B4 ediblefood A9-C5 blocks